Monday, June 30, 2008

The Zoo

Last Wednesday Daddy took a half day at work and we took the kids to the Zoo. It was a lot of fun. Carter was pretty excited becuase he like to see the animals. Alexis was excited because Carter was excited and Jordyn was just along for the ride but she had fun. Last year we took the kids but Alexis was too young like Jordyn to really know what was going on, but this year she loved it. She thought it was so cool to see the animals. They got to be really close to the turkeys. Alexis wanted to go get them.

They also got to see the white Alligator. At first when we were looking at him he just sat there with him eys open. So we were statring to think he was fake. He didn't move or blink his eyes. But finally as we were walking away he moved so we went back to see him.

Alexis was more excited about these little guys than the big white one. She kept saying "WOW WOW!" And I had to drang her away because she wouldn't leave when we were leaving.

We stopped and watched the elephant show. The kids weren't that interested in all the talking at the beginning but they really like watching them get a bath. They thought that was pretty cool and funny. We couldn't get Carter to leave he liked it so much.

Alexis was getting really grumpy and wouldn't pose for any picture right before lunch. But after lunch she was happy. One because she got to eat and two because we went and saw the monkeys. I think those were her favorite. She spent a lot of time just sitting and watching then through the windows.


Tiff Keetch said...

Lol.. I love the picture of Alexis in front of the gorilla shadow. So cute.

It sounds like you guys had fun! (I bet you were tired though...)

Kristen said...

I wish I would have been able to come, it looks like you had so much fun!

Christa said...

I've never seen the elephant show. It sounds like fun. I was thinking of trying to go to the zoo at some point during the summer.

Jillene said...

Cute, cute, cute!! You have such a cute little family! I love to zoo too. We will eventually get there this summer!