Thursday, June 5, 2008


This weekend Alexis and Cater got to go boating for the first time. They went with Daddy while I stayed at home with Jordyn. They both had a really good time. Alexis never got out of the boat, she liked it so much. Everytime she sees her life jacket she remembers the boat and wants to go ride again. As for Carter, he attempted to ride on the tube, but when they didn't have enough speed to take off the tube sunk and that really scared Carter, so he was done trying that. He did have fun just playing in the water. Both kids took naps while out on the boating becasue being out on that water can really wear you out. And that put Rusty out of commission as well for nap time since he was the bed and shelter apparently. This is the picture I saw on the camera of the sleeping arrangements. I asked Rusty why Carter was sleeping there and he didn't know. He said Carter was looking for something and then just fell asleep there.


Kristen said...

Niiiice, haven't you ever been so tired that you just wanted to fall asleep right where you are. The rocking of the boat must have been to soothing combined with the warm sun. That is awesome and aren't you glad it was Rusty and not you that got to have the dead leg from having to stay sitting like that? hehehe :)

Bobie said...

CUTE!! What a great Dad!

Jillene said...

That is so funny!! Aren't you glad that you have such a great husband?!?!

Kacy said...

Nice! That is so funny. I love boating. Rusty is so good to take both of them and go without you. I don't think Jason would attempt that. He would actually have to keep an eye on them in a boat. Unlike football games when they can just run up and down the stairs.

Tiff Keetch said...

Woo Hoo! I'm so glad you have a blog now.. I feel like I never see you guys, but at least I can be up to date with what's goin on. :)