Thursday, July 3, 2008

My look at the outside world.

I only have a minor addition to blogging. If I didn't limit myself I would never have a clean house and my children wouldn't get fed. So I limit myself to no more than 45 minutes a day on the computer. It only seems fair since I limit Carter to only 45 minutes of video games a day.
I enjoy getting on and seeing what is going on with my friends and family. I feeling like I actually know what is going on with people these days since I am trapped in my home.
Anyway, that aside, I did find this on another blog and decided to steal it.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together or that you just have of me. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2.Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.Okay, so help me feel popular!


Krystal said...

hmm... Nutcracker, olive garden, christmas eve (and all family parties in general), YOUR SEALING!!! (Simply amazing), BBQs at your house, and I think of you every time I pull out the baby food containers at school (I appreciate those more than you understand!) And a recent memory of me and you would be tanning at the pool after Blake's blessing. And today, though you were not there, Jordyn was totally my pool buddy :o) she already kicks her legs like a frog and tries to swim... SO cute!

Jillene said...

Well I have many memories of you but I think that my favorite on is the night of our first page exchange. Remember you were spending all that time with that loser Blake and you did a 4th of July page. You waited until everyone was gone and it was just me, you and Kristen. I remember how mad you were at your page. You kept telling us how stupid it was and how stupid you felt after you saw everyone elses. You just kept getting more and more upset and Kristen and I kept laughing harder and harder. I will have to say that you are probably the FUNNIEST person when you are mad or when you vent. I will NEVER forget that night!! (0:

Bobie said...

The first memory I can think of with you was when I was at Kristen's getting a hair cut and you showed up. You was pregnant with Jordyn and you looked adorable. You made some comment about how fat you was?? What the??? You looked amazing. The first thing I noticed were your dimples. I'm glad I've gotten to know you so much better since then... you are even cuter on the inside then the out!!

Ironygirl said...

I remember playing with your gerbil, who tried to amputate my fingers. We made her a playland of sorts out of cardboard boxes (like she couldn't chew through that, but anyway...). I also remember playing house in the tree by Grandma's and Grandpa's house. I also remember talking late into the night when I spent the night at your house.

Kristen said...

Oh my word, I can't seem to think of just one. You know me better than my own little sister. How about when we were getting you ready for prom and you spilled toothpaste on your dress, or wedding dress shopping, or you being there when I had Ethan, or singing kareoke at my ward campout (heehee), there are so many important moments of my life that you have shared with me and a lot of silly ones that always make me smile when I think of you. Do you remember how excited we were when you first told me you were pregnant with Lex, or how funny I thought you were when you realized Eric had been in your room and knocked all of your plants over? I truley love you more than you know!!