Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I have to say Alexis is quite the wild child and love to get into things she knows she should not get into. And at this time in her life she loves lotion. So she is very excited anychance she get to put lotion on.
Well Sunday afternoon the girls were sleeping and Rusty and I went down to play Xbox with Carter and when we came upstairs this is what we found.

Doesn't she look lovely? One of her favorite spots to put lotion on is her neck for some reason and aparently her feet now too. Unfortunely this wasn't regular lotion. It was Desitin. Have you ever smelled that it does not smell good, it is diaper cream for heaven sakes. She didn't only put the lotion on herself. She also put it on the wall, window, the stairs and on out brand new couches. And my entire house smelled like diaper creme, yummy. It was pretty funny and it cleaned up pretty good, so I couldn't really get mad at her. Seriously, who could get mad at that sweet face?

The Dentist

Alexis got to go to the dentist for the first time on Thursday, last week. She was pretty excited to go and had a good time playing in the waiting room. I was a little worried how she would do when they were going to do her x-rays. But I had nothing to worry about. She did great! She was such a big girl sitting there with that heavy vest on and holding that thing in her mouth.

What she didn't like that got her kind of nervous was the chair as it reclined. And then the dentist tooth brush. She was not a fan of that at all. They were only able to clean her four bottom front teeth. So she was less than excited to sit in the seat to let the Dentist look at her teeth. But, He was able to count her teeth and to notice that her mouth will most likely be too small for her grown up teeth. And we all know what that means, braces. Well at least he let us know now so we can start saving up.

She did like holding the dentist's little mirror and at the end she got to pick a prize which she thought was pretty cool. It must not have been that bad, because later that day she was asking to go to the dentist again.

First Tooth

We are excited to announce Jordyn got her first tooth and turned 9 months old on friday. I was surprised because she didn't act really whiney or anything like that. She has been a little slower than Alexis when it comes to getting her teeth, but she it sure a lot quicker when it come to crawling and possibly walking. Jordyn had been getting pretty daring in trying to stand up and balance on her own. She is so much fun. She is such a sweet baby. She seems to be much more mellow than Alexis. She loves to laugh and eat anything that is near her, even if it is a leaf. She is a silly little girl.

She is by no means a clean eater. She really gets into her food.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Big News

Sorry to keep you all in suspense like that. And for those of you that were wondering, no Jordyn did not take her first step and no I am not pregnant, unfortunately. I wish. Anyway, The big news is we got a new car this last week. I am so excited. You are looking at the proud owner of a slightly used 2004 Honda Pilot. I have always liked them, but now that I have been driving it for a few days I love it. I can't tell you how happy I am to have this beauty.

I do have to say I was really sad to say goodbye to my jeep. I loved that car and it was a great car for me. That car had been through a lot with me. The last eight years with that jeep had been great. We have made many memories together, but like Christa said. There is a point in audulthood when you must buy a real serious family car. I was hard for me to give you up. Jeepy, I love you and will miss you.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


I have some other exciting news about something that happened this week, but I really don't want to do it without picture. So I am going to give this a try tommorrow and see if it will let me put pictures on then.

Finally they are gone.

I am 27 and I finally got my wisdom teeth out. I had been trying to get tham out for so long and the day finally came Thursday. At first I was really wanting to be put out, but after weighing out the cost I decided to do it in the Dentists office. It wasn't so bad. The worst part or the whole ordeal is not being able to eat what I want. I can't believe I am saying this but it sucks only being able to eat yogurt and ice cream. Usually I love ice cream but it is getting old and I'm sure it is going to take a toll on my figure. They aren't so much in pain anymore, but I am affriad of getting stuff stuck in the big gaping holes in my mouth now. But they are finally out and I am happy to have thet done with.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

4th of July

We had a fun holiday. Jordyn got to go to her first parade and she had a ball. She is quite the trooper. The sirens and shooting of the guns didn't even make her cry. The weather was great too, because it was just a little over cast so it kept the sun from blaring down on us.

We hung out with the entire family at the parade, like we do every year. It is tradition and I love it.

Alexis was much more onto the whole parade thing this year, She was out there trying to get all the candy and otter pops she could. Good thing she had Carter and Landen there to help her out. She wasn't quite as quick as the rest of them. Are those just the cutest kids yuo have ever seen? :)

We then went to my parents and had our tradtional lunch BBQ. Rusty was so tired he Fell asleep in the middle of eating. (Not really. I think I am the only one in the family that falls asleep while eating.) He was just taking a little nap. So Alexis figured he would be a good table and set her plate on him and then I saw Wyatt standing next to him with a toy that played music and he told Rusty when he woke up that he "was playing music to help him sleep."

Here are the girls hanging out with their friends at the BBQ.

Alexis had a lot of fun with the sparklers. She was really too young last year to do much with them. She would just sit mesmorized watching it and not know what was going on around her. It was quite funny. And she couldn't get enough of the pop's either. She found some at home the next day and had to pop them all.

Watching Fireworks with daddy. At first she was terrified of the big ones, but ones she realized that they weren't going to hurt her she was fine. Jordyn liked all the fireworks. She even stayed up long enough to see the begining of the big show, but soon gave in and went to sleep. Our BBQ was right next to Highland High so we got to see the Sugar House fireworks. I had never seen them before. They were pretty nice.

Summertime Swimming

We are very lucky to be able to go swim all summer long at Grandma's. I was not able to do this as a child. Heck, I didn't even learn to swim until I was in middle school. It was a requirement for gym since our school had a pool. And boy was that special. I am excited to see my kids learn to swim at such young ages.

Alexis has her moments. One day she thinks she needs to stay and float in the baby toy and the next she thinks she can swim all by herself. And then she won't let anyone touch her. (It's a good thing her swimsuit has built in flotation devices.)

This obviously is Jordyns' fisrt summer in the pool and she loves it. She is already starting to try to kick. She gets bugged when someone is always holding her, except for Aunt Rinne.

Carter has no fear of the water this year. He loves to see how far he can swim and hold his breath under water. He has become a very strong swimmer.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My look at the outside world.

I only have a minor addition to blogging. If I didn't limit myself I would never have a clean house and my children wouldn't get fed. So I limit myself to no more than 45 minutes a day on the computer. It only seems fair since I limit Carter to only 45 minutes of video games a day.
I enjoy getting on and seeing what is going on with my friends and family. I feeling like I actually know what is going on with people these days since I am trapped in my home.
Anyway, that aside, I did find this on another blog and decided to steal it.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together or that you just have of me. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2.Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.Okay, so help me feel popular!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


It was the annual Wasatch summer party at Lagoon this weekend. We always look forward to that each year. It is the only time we go to Lagoon. It is getting way to expersive to go there otherwise. I can't bevlieve how much they charge to get in these days.

This was Jordyn's first time riding a ride. Do you think she had a good time? I was cracking up watching her. She loved every ride she got to go on. This was Alexis' favorite ride last year. There was one spaceship one we put Jordyn on that I was freaking out about the whole time she was on it. I seriously thought she was going to fall out. Her and Alexis had a good time riding the rides together. Alexis got pretty daring and would hold her hands up on some of the rides. It is so fun to watch your kids have so much fun.

This year Carter was old enough to ride Colosus, he wasn't even affraid of trying it this year, He loved it. He was Mr. fearless. We were so proud of him. He had some friends that were his age and a little older so they were in the big kids group and we were in charge of the little kids so we didn't see him much. He had a really good time. Carter, Alexis and I rode Tilt-a-whirl twice when we first got there. I wasn't sure if Alexis would like it, but she wanted to go again when the ride was over so we did. She would get pretty nervous and make a funny face when we really got spinnig, but she loved it.

We were there for 12 hours with all 3 kids and we only had one meltdown. Alexis kind of lost it around 1:30, but once we let her go play in the water and then once she ate some lunch she was good to go.

It is time

It is starting to get a little ridiculous. I really need a new car. I made myself so extremely sick today walking Carter to a birthday party while pushing a stroller and pulling a wagon with three kids in it. I don't have a car big enough to leave my house during the day. I babysit a 10 month old and a 9 month and we have had Carter for the last two weeks plus Jordyn and Alexis. That is 5 kids and only have seating in my car for 3. I can only walk so far like that. I look like a freak show walking through the neighborhood with my caravan of children. Today while walking to the park for lunch with the kids, I had so guy stop and ask what the occasion was. At first I didn't get it, but as I was walking away it clicked. I think he meant we looked like a parade. Anyway I have really been doing my best to convince Rusty to get a new car. I have even had to send to run some of my errands. I think that was what sealed the deal. He didn't like having to do the grocery shopping. So now Rusty has said we can start shopping around for a new car. I am so excited, but I will be very sad to say good bye to me jeep. I love my jeep, but it just isn't big enough.

New things

This was a weekend of new things for Rusty. Friday we were invited to go boating and he tried to wake board. Yes tried. The poor guy tried so hard, but never could get up. So not to make him look bad I chose not to wake board this time. hee hee :) I hope he will be able to get up the next time we go and then I will be able to go out. :) I love wake boarding. We also had a lot of fun on the tubes.
Also, yesterday Rusty played soccer for the fisrt time since 4th grade. He was invited to play on an indoor league with my brothers and cousins. He didn't do too bad. He is such a good sport to show interest in things I like. I was also invited to play on the team, but I play on an outdoor coed league on wednesday's so I felt bad thinking I would have to leave my girls with someone two nights a week so I had to decline. His team did really well last night. They won 3-12, it was very impressive. I am so proud of my honey.