Friday, March 5, 2010

The inspection

Yesterday the new buyers had there inspection done on the house. It took forever. The inspector came at 2 and he and the buyers didn't leave until 6:30. The inspector didn't really find much for us to have to do and Rusty got to meet and visit with the new buyers for a little bit. But we haven't received the official report yet so we will see what that says. But it looks like this deal really might go through, so i guess I should really start packing stuff now.
But on the other hand we have run into a little issue with the lot we are suppose to be buying. The title guy I talked to today is showing that our lot is split into 2 pieces and those 2 pieces added up are smaller than what the plat map shows that we were going off of when we put in our bid. I am not very impressed with the people we are buying from. They seem pretty shady. I already found out earlier this week that they sold another lot in the development for less than what they were telling me they sold it for. I don't like it when people lie to me.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Wow, so what happens now? I guess I should ask you after tomorrow when you go and look at houses huh?