Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Can I just tell you right now that I do not like being a landlord. Irresponsible people cost me too much money. We just had renters move out last Tuesday. So needless to say we have not see Rusty since then. He spent all Wednesday night there ripping up carpet and tile. And then he was working all day til 9:00 pm at his real job. Then he spent all day Friday and Saturday and half the day Sunday after we got home from church working on the townhouse as well. Friday he got to finish ripping up tile and started painting the entire place. Saturday we got to finish painting most of the place and fixed a few lights and now he gets to fix the exhaust fan in the main bathroom. People are pretty gross too. I do not enjoy cleaning up after dirty people. I spent an hour cleaning two toilets on Saturday. Not to mention the two hours I have spent scrubbing the tub. Today the place looks so different than it did a week ago. I actually let my kids out of the car and into the townhouse while I went and tried to clean some more. Yesterday we had the entire top floor and stairs leading up there carpeted. And Sunday and Monday our soon to be brother in law came over and help Rusty lay down a new pergo wood floor on the main level. It looks so good. Tonight we have some people coming to look at the place. It is not all ready to go yet because we still need to put another coat of paint in the kitchen and put the new base boards up. They people seem really nice and hopefully they are clean and take a little pride in the place they live. If that is the case and they like it we might have new tenants, but who knows. I really hope we find someone soon. I really don't want to be making two mortgage payments again in February. Someday we will have our dad back. But my guess it wont be for another 4 days or so.

1 comment:

Ironygirl said...

Sorry to hear that! What a lot of work for you guys. I hope the new people last.