Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Wow. I am an awful blogger. It has been forever it seems like since I have blogged. I originally started this to try to keep a journal of my family, but it didn't go as well as planned. So this year I have started writing in our journal again. It has gone pretty good for the most part. It just seems more accesible for some reason. But I am sure I will still do blogging from time to time if anyone even cares or even reads it anymore.
The other night I started up scrapbooking again. I have been terrible at that lately as well. Taylor only had her ultra sound pics in her album up until Friday. Now her 1st four days of life are scrapbooked as well. I am trying to make it a goal to scrap one to two layouts each day during my kids nap time. I think that I will be able to catch up that way as long as I can find were I packed all my pictures. I hate living in this house selling state.

1 comment:

Ironygirl said...

I'm still reading! :)