Saturday, October 24, 2009

Kids Halloween Pictures

Today was quite the hectic morning trying to get the kids to get their pictures taken. Why is it so difficult to smile. I really don't understand. All in all the pictures turned out pretty good. I do have to say Alexis did great she is currently a lover of the camera. It was quite fun watching her get her pictures taken. And for some reason Jordyn became shy. And for those of you that don't know Jordyn, that is so not like her. But anyway here are a few of the pictures.

Group Shot

Alexis as Ariel

Jordyn as Ursula

Taylor as Sebatian

Carter the Zombie


Christa said...

Jordyn's Ursula costume is to die for! Her hair's fantastic too.

Krystal said...

I'm so excited to see all the kids in costume tomorrow :) they look so cute!

Kristen said...

They did turn out really cute! Carter looks thrilled without his mask off. :)

Meg said...

Ahhhh!! Awesome costumes! They look so cute!

Biker5 said...

They turned out so cute!! I love Jordyns hair! Carter's really acting the part.