Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jordyn's 2 year pictures

It does feel like all we do it pictures these days. We have done big family pictures on both my side and Rusty's side of the family, we did the Halloween pictures I have been taking Taylor in every month and now Jordyn's Birthday pictures. But we are still not done. We get to do Christmas picture in a week and a half next.

Anyway, on October 18th Jordyn turned 2 years old. She is such a fun and energetic girl. We love having her in our home.

She loves to talk and it is great because you can pretty much understand everything she says. I call her my little monkey because she climbs all over everything. If Alexis is doing it Jordyn is right behind her doing it. She forgets she is 18 months younger than her big sister and shouldn't be able to do all these things. She is just crazy in general and we love every bit of her.

She is also very nurturing. She is very sweet with Taylor and comes running when she cries to try to calm her down. It is so cute. She is such a beatuiful little girl. It is very hard to not smile when she smiles at you or when she is pouting too. She has recently become very good at playing house and pretending with Alexis. It is so much fun to watch them play. I love watching Jordyn grow and learn, I can't wait to see what she does next. I love you Jordyn.


Kristen said...

Yeah these turned out so cute. I'm glad you did her first because she is so happy!

Biker5 said...

Cute pics! She looks so big!!