Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So I haven't been really good at keeping up on my blog. So sorry for those of you that have been wondering what is going on with my family.
The big thing we have been dealing with the past month was and is still Alexis and her tonsil removal. It had been a long and draining recovery for me mainly.
The surgery itself went really well except for the fact they gave her a drug to kind of put her out for the surgery in the for of a nose drop that burns when it goes down. So due to that fabulous drug Alexis now refuses to take any medicine (because she thinks it will all hurt her now). So she made the recovery pretty painful for herself because she would not take her pain medication and stressful for me because she would not take her antibiotic. Luckily she did not get an infection due to her lack of taking her medicine. Before the surgery she would wake up on occasion and greets us in our bedroom in the middle of the night wanting to sleep with us. But now it is almost an every night occurrence. At least we can now sleep while she is in our bed because she no longer snores, but it is becoming a little ridiculous. I have tried a few nights to put her back in her bad and let her cry it out but she then wakes up Jordyn who shares a room with her.
I often wonder if we should have just left her tonsils in, but that would have not been good since she could hardly breath with those things in there, but man this has been a pretty miserable road to recovery. I just hope she will start sleeping in her own bed the entire night soon.


Ironygirl said...

Man, that is rough. I'm sorry she is having a difficult time, and in turn giving you a hard time as well. Waking up at night with kids is really tough. I hope she will start sleeping in her bed soon so you all can get some rest.

Biker5 said...

I'm sorry you're both having a hard time. It's never fun when your kids get sick or hurt. It always effects mom too. It's hard to turn your kids away when you know they're hurting. Good luck getting her back in her bed. You could try a special bed time only snuggle bear or something.

Allison said...

She will be so glad that she got her tonsils removed at a young age. But what a pain for you!! How is your family. I am excited to hear if you are having a boy or girl. It should not be too much longer. Maybe you already know and are keeping it a secret!