Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The new place

So we have moved out of our house, closed the sell of our old house. We have finalized our plans for the our new house and started on our construction loan. We have also moved into my parents house and have adjusted nicely, much to my surprise. I was worried how the kids would do with the adjustment, but it has gone really well.
We hope to break ground on our new home the beginning of May.
I have been very busy hence my lack of entries lately, but now that I have a chance to sit down and write I can't think of anything to write about.

Taylor has been mumbling for awhile and the other day she started mumbling something that sounds like dad.

And this week Jordyn successfully rode Alexis' bike which will be much nicer this summer for our walks. Now Alexis and Jordyn can ride bikes and I can only have two kids in the double stroller instead of three.

Just a warning probably the next few months of entries will be a lot of stuff about the house so I hope you don't get too bored with it but I is a big thing in our lives and I definitely want to document it.


Ironygirl said...

Document away! I can't believe your house sold- I am SO glad. I am also really excited for you!

Biker5 said...

I'm glad everyone is adjusting well. I'm totally for the updating. It's sad but so nice when kiddos can be a little more indepent.