Saturday, July 18, 2009

Picture Time

So right before the fourth I took the kids to get pictures done. I don't usually do 4th of July pictures, but I didn't get Easter ones done and I wanted a current picture of all the kids together Which now I am thinking I should have waited because baby is almost here. But anyway, I also had Alexis get her 3 year old pics done and Jordyn got her 18 month pics done. Which that was nice to get done because now I get to start on the baby's pictures. I am trying really hard to make sure I do the same amount of professional pics for every child.

This is Jordyn's "cheese" smile with the squinty eyes. I really hope this is a phase that ends soon.

Alexis 3 years old

Jordyn 18 months


Ironygirl said...

Very cute! I like that you did them around the 4th of July. Their outfits are darling.

Michael, Collette, Cassie, and Romeo said...

So cute! Where do you get your pictures done? They are adorable....

Kristen said...

They did turn out really cute. I am not used to seeing Carter's hair spiky I did a double take.